I have qualifications in Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Pelvic Floor Trainings and other modalities from study in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, USA and Australia.
Every time I treat a person I know that this is the work I want and love to do. My heart talks through my hands. I love to combine all my knowledge and the therapies I have learned, as well as using a particular therapy on it’s own.
All my applied therapies are soft and gentle muscle relaxation methods and very effective in helping sore muscles to reduce pain and to improve the body´s flexibility and function.
From my time observing my husbands Dr. Romney Smeeton's work I keep in mind his Chiropractic philosophy and his experience after 40 years in practice.
Based on my own philosophy and experience I keep in mind that there is always a connection between body, mind and soul. So if you treat the body you treat the whole person.
Geelong Indy Holistic approach
My talk at Rett-Syndrome Conference in Geelong 2015
My interview at sbs-radio - German channel